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DMXControl 3.3.0

DMXControl 3.3.0
DMXControl 3.3.0
File Size:
96.37 MB
12 February 2025

Important notes on use

If you are going to use the Candiate release of DMXControl 3.3.0, please note the following information:

  • Be aware that errors can still occur during operation with this version. Our experience has shown that these always come to light when you don't need them. So, if you want to use RC2 in a productive environment, ideally have a backup solution in place. In addition, please test your existing projects thoroughly before using them live for the first time. If you don't do this and you're left in the dark, you'll have to take yourself to task - because we've given you plenty of tips along the way.
  • The projects you want to work with must be added to DMXControl 3.3.0 using the import procedure. If you then want to edit a project, from now on you will have to use the new Project Administration. You can no longer open projects directly from the drive.
  • The projects from DMXControl 3.2.3 are compatible so far. Manual adjustments are only required at some points:
    • Light shows with the "audio cue workaround" must be moved to the timecode player. The audio scenes no longer internally return timecode to the cuelist.
    • The gobo affinity must be recreated due to the new workflow if you have used it at all.
    • You currently must recreate all executor pages and fill them with life.
  • However, it may happen that some old projects cannot be loaded. This may be due to outdated DDFs. We have further expanded the checking mechanisms. We therefore recommend that you check the DDFs you are using by inserting them into a completely new project. If you are still unable to load them, we require a ticket in the bug tracker with the project and the associated log files in order to identify the problem more precisely.
  • Working with multiple GUIs on one project is only included as an experimental function in DMXControl 3.3.0 (even after the later final release). The focus in the beta test was on a 1-1-1 setup to cover the main use case. How you distribute the kernel, Umbra and the GUI does not matter.
  • When starting DMXC 3.3.0 in more complex network configurations, the individual program parts may not connect automatically. Possible influencing factors here are, for example, active VPN connections. In this case, you may need to "push" the program manually. We would be particularly grateful for detailed feedback in this area in order to further improve the process.
  • Some parts of DMXC 3.3.0 require new versions of the .net framework. This is generally installed via the installer. However, the beta test has already shown that although the desired versions are recognized by the regularly delivered updates via Windows Update, they are still not up to date.If triggering the Windows updates is not sufficient, the latest versions of .net must be installed manually. The links are attached at the end of the news.
  • We do not guarantee across the board that projects created or edited with the RC will also work in the final version. Our focus is on compatibility within the scope of what is technically possible when switching from an official final release to the next higher version.
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